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100% Of New Hires Say Our Culture Is One Reason They Joined TalentRecruit

New Hires

The average age of employees is 28 years in our organization and we have a very young team. With our advanced technology offerings and customer-centric services, we deliver amazing experiences to our employees through team get-togethers, yoga, team lunches, and lots of chai.

Our Team

Our Life at TalentRecruit is

Exciting, rewarding, innovation driven & engaging!


Our geeky engineering team gets to work hands on some of the latest technologies in Machine Learning & AI and our Sales & CS Teams get to work with the largest MNC’s, Enterprises and professional overseas business partners.


Our geeky engineering team gets to work hands on some of the latest technologies in Machine Learning & AI and our Sales & CS Teams get to work with the largest MNC’s, Enterprises and professional overseas business partners.

Innovation Driven

Our geeky engineering team gets to work hands on some of the latest technologies in Machine Learning & AI and our Sales & CS Teams get to work with the largest MNC’s, Enterprises and professional overseas business partners.


Our geeky engineering team gets to work hands on some of the latest technologies in Machine Learning & AI and our Sales & CS Teams get to work with the largest MNC’s, Enterprises and professional overseas business partners.

What is TalentRecruit?

Learn more about what we do.

Hiring process

Our Hiring Process

You are just a few steps away from joining our team of geeky coding gurus and tech-savvy business professionals.
Our hiring process is simple and we invite you to join us!

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